Trump: The ultimate Emotional Vacuum Cleaner

This Trump guy is really unbelievable.

I am done thinking of him as our “President”.  He is nothing more than a self-centered performance artist who cares first and foremost – no, cares exclusively – about himself.

He is the ultimate Emotional Vacuum Cleaner.

What exactly is an EVC?… Well, think of it this way:


Emotional Vacuum Cleaners thrive in Chaos and Drama. Indeed, that is the only way they know how to function.

EVCs suck up the energy wherever they are, with whomever they are, and whatever they are doing. They simply do not know how to sit back, listen and learn. After all, they know everything.

EVCs simply do not have the capacity to work in groups or teams. Because, it has to be ‘all about them’. They know best. Only they are right. It is their way or the highway.

EVCs are divas. They are attention grabber. They talk the loudest. They insult the most. They demand everybody’s attention – or else.

EVCs cannot deal with consensus. They do not have the patience for it. They have no interest in it. They see no value in it. It has to be their way. And, if they change their mind, they will not admit it.

EVCs will definitively not accept a minority opinion. They don’t even want to hear it. And, if they do hear it, it will be only to use it to humiliate the minority.

EVCs have no capacity for empathy, compassion, or caring.

Our President’s EVC quotient is through the roof. He fits the definition to a ‘t’. He is a master in employing all its tactics.

And, to those who are looking for a strong man to follow, he is ‘their man’. He can do no wrong. It is him against the world – and he is showing up the world!

How do you deal with these folks?

How do you deal with folks that honestly believe that Trump is the victim? How do you deal with people that in their bones believe the real crime is being committed by the Clintons, Obamas, and the ‘deep state’?

Clearly we see him – and them – using all sorts of deflection tactics to focus the news cycles on the tantrums, the Tweets, the drama, the chaos. All along while they dismantle and deconstruct the functioning government as we know it.

This ain’t no revolution. It’s a devolution. What is going on with vacancies in the Federal Agencies, in the roll back of bureaucratic regulations, and in the not-so-hidden financial markets and new tax laws tailored to the super wealthy is nothing short of criminal. And he is doing all of this while he intentionally entertains us with his antics, chaos, and drama.

Mueller is not going to put Trump behind bars. No porn star is going to do so either. And neither will any other judicial court.

May I suggest we deal with him, his cronies, and his Trumpistas in the ultimate court, the court of public opinion, the ballot box?

May I suggest we deny this Emotional Vacuum Cleaner what he seeks the most, attention?

If you are fed up with this crap, sick and tired of this nightmarish bad performance artist, and are ready to do something about it, don’t wait till November. Don’t waste time getting mad. Don’t let him suck up your energy.

Act now. It is now more important than ever to get friends, family, and anyone within shouting distance to go register to vote. Without a fuzz, without hoopla; no chaos, not drama… Just invite them to do so. Implore them to do so. Help them to do so.

It matters. It can make a difference. (Just look at what happened in Pennsylvania a few days ago.)

It is time. It is time to disconnect this Emotional Vacuum Cleaner by getting people registered and voting to win a sweeping victory in the November elections… But the job starts now. Don’t wait.


(Getting folks registered + Getting them to the polls)


A love letter to President Trump





Dear Mr. President:

I love you.

I am not being sarcastic here. You know I don’t like you. I don’t appreciate your ways. I disagree vehemently with you. But, I love you.

You obviously look at life very different than I do… But, hey, you are God’s child. So, I love you.

I wish the best for you. I really do.

Mr. President, it is evidently clear you are not having a good time being president. Therefore, in loving care I implore you to go back to what you do best: Go back to real estate. Go back to being a game show host. Go back to your lockeroom talk and cocktail party jokes. Go back to enjoying your expensive properties. (Do be careful who you surround yourself with; it looks like in the past you’ve kept some shady company.)

Mr. President, you’ve had your run. You succeeded beyond the wildest expectations – including your own! You won the Presidency of the United States of America, fair and square. No argument there. (Well, maybe. No. We won’t go there here.)

Anyway: You’ve even succeeded in doing things (and not doing other things) that some of your ‘friends’* wanted you to do (and not do.)  You got tax relief for the rich; you appointed a Supreme Court justice that will advance conservative ideals; you are not about to pass any meaningful gun legislation; and, you even slowed immigration without as much as building a wall! (But, don’t get greedy. Some of the other ideas you and your ‘friends’* want to pursue may not be as easy or doable.)

*Be careful. Clearly your so called ‘friends’ are really not friends. These are ‘acquaintances of convenience.’ You are their useful idiot. They are using you. 

And the faith thing? Sorry, you can’t fake it. Oh, sure you occasionally go to church for a wedding or a funeral. But it seems like you never were much into thoughtful, discerning, prayerful lifestyle. And that’s OK. Not all of us have to be into that. Some of the best people in the world are not necessarily faith-centered. So no, I don’t hold that against you. (Though your alliance with fundamentalist Christians is quite amazing. It seems they have sold their soul. How else do you explain them supporting a morally unstable person like you?!?)

Mr. President, you have lost any credibility you might have had at one point. You are increasingly becoming the butt of all jokes. You are simply not to be taken seriously anymore. And when you try to be credible? You totally flop! You have to use a cheat sheet to talk to people about empathy. No one but a select group of right wing radicals invites you to their gatherings anymore. Your mannerism, lack of vocabulary, and persona is so not presidential.

But hey, it is who you are! Embrace it. That’s what some people that support you blindly love about you, right?  Why must you try to be presidential, they say?  Geez, no one voted for you for that!

Yet Mr. President, everything has its limits. It is time for you to move on. The welcome mat has worn out (not that it was ever there.)

Just go away. We’re not looking for revenge. (Remember: We love you. We really do.)

But it is time for this nightmare to be over. You are an embarrassment to most Americans – and to many around the world as well. You don’t act presidential. Evidently you don’t feel presidential.

Mr. President, get out while you can. Someday soon it may be too late. Quit now! (Get Pence to pardon you for crimes you may have committed – just in case.)

In love,

Reemberto Rodriguez

p.s.: I am a U.S. Citizen. And I vote.



The Info Silo – a new reality. Yet vote we must!

If you get your news from only selective sources and give no credence to others, your reality will be formed by those ‘feeds’ you choose to feed you.

“Back in the days” most of us got our news from a select limited number of very similar sources. The folks that opted out of mass media were considered cultist and fringe.

Today, as the news sources have multiplied exponentially, we have little choice but to choose where we get our news. And -whether willing or unwilling – consistent, persistent, exclusive exposure to those select sources we choose is a major determinant factor on how we view the world.

For example, my choice of news-feed is a combination of the following: Reuters, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Politico, Fortune, Fox Business, and Steven Colbert. I do routinely try to visit other sources, though I find myself increasingly incredulous of their reporting – and increasingly favoring my limited source. That is, I too am guilty of this balkanization of realities.

Having said that, imagine if your sources of news were – by choice – limited to Breitbart, Fox News, the President’s Tweet, and the White House news site.

Take a fresh look at the Tweet postings below. Imagine this to be your only source of news. Imagine if this is what forms you, day in and day out.

It then becomes possible to understand why a segment of America remains supporting this President and blaming everything on everybody else – never him. It then becomes increasingly clear how difficult – if not impossible – it is to engage these Trumpistas in any semblance of a coherent, sensible, respectful conversation.

Running the risk of getting theological, if logos thinking is scientific, critical thinking relying on facts and mythos thinking is expansive, mythological exploratory thinking, then there must be a third way of thinking that we are seeing today… A thinking that is constrictive, seeks certitude over facts, and provides the assurance of group think. It is that third way of thinking that is going on with the Trumpistas… They are incapable of logos thinking. They dare not venture into mythos. They choose to stay small, in a clear box, unwilling (afraid?) to venture into certitude of critical inquire or the ambiguity of mythology… Thus communicating with them is challenging, to say the least…

Thus, the likelyhood of convincing these committed Trumpistas to “see the (our) light” is a fruitless exercise. Therefore: The fight is no longer about convincing these folks to change. The fight is all about getting out the vote.

Our energy can infinitively be better employed in talking with the 2/3 of America that are not Trumpistas:

There is still hope for the 1/3 of America that while they may align with Trump’s politically convenient policies, are becoming increasingly annoyed by his behavior.

And, probably more efficient, would be to focus on the Americans who oppose Trump but did not vote: The 1/2 of 1/3 of America who are opposed to Trump. This population is most apt to realize that their vote could have made a difference and will consider – with our prodding – to vote vote vote.

VERY IMPORTANT: Remember that you have friends, family, and acquaintences in other part of the US as well… Prod them. Call them. Text them. Starting NOW. If they are not registered: Get them to register. It’s easy!

Therefore: Please please please talk up voting in November starting now…

But, focus your efforts; be efficient. Let’s get to those amigos who we know might have not voted but would have voted with us if they had. Let’s find those willing voters who want to vote against this madness and nightmare.

And, if you need some encouragement, review these Tweets below from the Trumpistas world and ask yourself: If this was all I see day in and day out – this and nothing else – how would I view the world? (Note that these Tweets are not the worst. They are intended to show the manipulate half – and incomplete – truths (and lies) that the Trumpista media uses to brainwash their troops…  Again: Changing these folks mind may not be worth it… Just let them know: We’ll see you at the ballot box… And, make sure you work to get folks registered to vote, staring now! #RESIST




POSTSCRIPT: As I was finishing this post a friend send me a Facebook message about this article that has come out. Wow! Exact same subject matter – but obviously written much more professionally:


When hate of past leaders obscures you capacity to critique today’s demagogue

What happens when someone that relies mostly on NPR, BBC, CNN, and MSNBC for news cross paths with someone that relies mostly on Breitbart, FOX, and conservative talk radio?

Parallel universes.

What happens when a person who seeks new ideas and welcomes different perspectives tries conversing with another who is dogmatic about his/her ideas and has no patience for different perspectives?

Parallel universes.

And so it was in a recent Facebook interchange where I challenged Trumpistas with fact based arguments and sought to move the conversation to the topics of empathy, caring for others, and finding some common value. To no avail.

Parallel universes.

The Trumpistas relentless, blind, unequivocal support for “all things Trump” is right down dangerous. Their unwillingness to criticize their leader – and systematically default to criticizing Obama and Hillary is truly alarming.

So, for historical purposes, here are some of my responses to their vile postings – which I don’t want to dignify so I won’t repost them verbatim.

My response to Trumpistas’ post challenging that Trump degrades people and claiming he has ‘sympathy’ for others (admittedly somewhat falling into the gutter with their post):

  • President Trump please don’t stop insulting people; it obviously works with your base. And, please don’t stop having zero empathy for those that did not vote for you; it obviously strengthens your base… Go go go! We love you Trump… Like you yourself said, you can shoot someone in NY’s Fifth Avenue and your hard core supporters will not leave you. They are so committed to you!… Lock her up! Lock her up! No more Muslims! Mexicans are rapists! Grab them women by the p***y! rah rah rah!

My response to the Trumpistas default to blame Clinton and Obama for EVERYTHING:

  • This is not about Bill Clinton. This is not about Obama. This is not about HIllary. This is about Trump. And only Trump… As I said before: Don’t let your hate of past leaders obscure your capacity to critique the current leader… Indeed, we know full well what happened in Cuba where the hate for Batista led to Castro because people were saying ‘anything can be better than this.’

My response to Trumpista posts hailing him for his ‘genius’:

  • Oh. I see. And Trump is a genius. He is so eloquent with his words. So masterfully with his sentiments. All hail Trump! He can do no wrong. Say no wrong. He is our supreme leader! WHEN o when are you going to come to grips with the reality that you WON and bashing past politicos does nothing other than inflate your warped ego? Your blind support for all things Trump will come back to haunt you.

My response to post thanking Trump for his first year in office, gloating about their “great hire”, and a meme showing Democrats crying:

  • No, we are not crying. Many of us that disagree with why you hired him will continue working to get him fired…. And, you can yell and post all you want. We will still #RESIST . See you at the polls in November. And, if we are not a majority then, see you at the polls in 2020. And if we are not a majority then (in the Electoral College), see you at the polls in 2022… and so on… So, no. We are not crying. We are resisting what we believe is a political nightmare hurtful to many and an incident President diminishing the Office. You disagree – it is your prerogative. You have no empathy for those that disagree with you – seemingly neither does he. Gloat while you can all you want. We will #RESIST – And no, we are not crying.

And so it is in this new parallel universe.




Cuba: Realities, Dreams, Nightmares, and Possibilities

(A personal reflection upon my return from Cuba last week.)

I was not even 18 months old January 1st, 1959 when the Cuban Revolution declared victory. I was not even four years old April 17, 1961 during the Bay of Pigs. I was barely 5 years old during the October (1962) Missile Crisis. I left Cuba when I was 9 ½ years old, on December 28, 1966 to return 49 years later on December 28, 2015.

I do not remember the conversations my family had when they were deciding to leave Cuba. I know the stories – and I know why they left – but I do not remember the specific conversations.

Yet I can imagine. I imagine the frustration of their dreams shattered. I imagine the sense of betrayal felt of a revolution gone sour. I imagine some in the family saying “I told you so; this was no good from the start.” I can imagine the shouting – yes, my family is loud – and the fights about how leaving would be only temporary and surely this Castro thing would be a short lived nightmare.

I do remember we were essentially ‘guajiros’ – living in a very small (tiny?) town somewhere between Cienfuegos and the Bay of Pigs, Real Campiña. My father was a bookkeeper at a sugar mill during the ‘zafra’, the three months of harvest. The rest of the year he would make do helping out at the local bar or whatever. My mom, along with her sisters, devoted herself to raising the kids. We were by no means well off. We were not starving either. (In part because of the sense of responsibility – not necessarily kindness – of my grandfather’s brother. They owned some ‘fincas’ (farms) and provided food and shelter. My grandfather was unemployable because of an illness I’ve never quite understood.

Then I left Cuba. With my grandparents and a brother. The other, older brother had to stay because he was of military age. My parents decided to stay with him for what they thought would be a few years. That turned into 13 ½ years of separation during the time of the real Iron Curtain when talking on the phone was next to impossible, letters would all be opened by the government, and visitations were unthinkable. (It is not lost on me that my story is no different from the millions of stories of people from all over the world that have emigrated to the U.S. as refugees, exiles, or undocumented. And so I feel for the Salvadorans, Hondurans, Haitians, Africans and others that are going through the artificial hell this President has created. This could have happened to me and to my family five decades ago.)

And now I’ve gone back to Cuba. Three New Years in a row. The first time the journey was riveting. The second time I was in total awe. And this third time it was a paradoxical, simultaneous joy and sadness.

We went back to Cuba (Camagüey) this year to be with Geraldina’s extended family as they celebrated and honored the life of their matriarch, a lady that left Cuba before the Revolution – Alma Flor Ada . Experiencing this amazing reunion of an extended family from all walks of life – from international literary figures living in California to bicitaxi drivers in Camagüey – was simply wonderful. Their love for the culture of Cuba, the people of Cuba, and family was contagious. Every day was a different experience with this amazing family. Their contribution to the Quinta Simoni – and their deep roots there – has made a real difference in this masterpiece of a house that dates back to the time of Ignacio and Amalia Agramonte. And then there were the dinners, ‘puercos’, dancing, and sharing stories. (And of course, we brought essentials for our family, friends, and host (i.e.: soap, toothpaste, aspirins and such) because in Cuba scarcity rules the day. The folks were so appreciative, gracious, and wonderfully thankful.)

It was very sentimental and nostalgic to observe young people at the Parque Agramonte flirting and passing time using wi-fi – available mostly at parks at expensive rates with cards usually paid for by relatives in the U.S. This was the park where my grandmother met my grandfather about a century ago, back in the days when a father would parade their daughters in the park. Then, after making only eye contact, the young men would visit the family house and ask permission to speak with the young lady.

Camagüey is all about the arts. And art galleries are everywhere. The artists are so willing to engage in conversation! Talking with some of these artists was very revealing. It’s been only in the last few years that many of them have had the opportunity to share their art with people from the U.S. – and they are so proud of that. Their art is so different, so Cuban. Beautiful.

A quick visit to the Camagüey Chess Club was also very instructive. The Cuban chess champion is for this Club. They are rightfully proud of what they are accomplishing. We discussed the possibilities of an exchange with our area’s chess club…

And then there was the one night we were sat down at a nice restaurant only to find out that the vast majority of items on the menu (fish, ham, steak, white rice, yucca, water, colas) were simply not available. We had some congris (burnt) and ropa vieja (excellent.)  Very different experience at a restaurant by the beach where lobster, fish, and shrimp was readily available. Such is Cuba.

There was also the very complicated feelings walking down Republica (a sad attempt at a street mall); meandering through the web of narrow streets at night – so narrow that you could hear family’s conversations from their living rooms; imagining what the worn out largest urban park in Cuba (Casino Campestre) used to feel like (it is now but a snippet of its old glory); visiting gracious churches of old; and listening to music – and drinking rum – at the Casa de la Trova.

We also had the opportunity to catch up with a cousin that lives in Camaguey who accompanied us the whole time. We went to the house she was born, only to find it had been divided into seven ‘cuarterias’ – small living quarters. The beautiful columns of days gone by and the glass transoms where still barely visible. But 60 years of destruction had taken its toll.  Similarly, we stopped by the house where my grandparents lived. Similarly sad.

And we visited the cemetery. Oh how sad too. After having been to the Cemetery Colon in Havana and the cemetery in Santiago, this was simply depressing. An active cemetery similar to what you see in New Orleans, but unkept and simply degenerating to the point of feeling more like ruins than an active cemetery.

And of course, we had the blessing of visiting a ‘casa de los abuelitos’, a place maintained by the Catholic Church for old folks. The place breathed peace and love. Truly an example of what can be. (We also had a brief visit with our Jesuit friends, who are doing an incredible job in Camaguey and Cuba.)

We stayed at a ‘casa particular’ – one of the many families that have jumped on the opportunity for limited entrepreneurship renting out their homes. Where we stayed was operated by a family (and uncle and a nephew) that had grown the house to eight rooms. Every morning they would provide breakfast of whatever was available: Papaya juice, pineapple, eggs. They were great hosts, particularly considering that they have been at it less than two years. They are having to learn by the seat of their pants. (There is simply no tradition of a non-government hospitality industry in Cuba. And there is no assurance that what they are doing will be allowable next year. Such is Cuba.)

Oh, but the Cuban people! Their spirit remains unbroken. Their capacity to make do with whatever situation is thrown at them is simply amazing. Their humor, kindness, loudness, and sense of pride and worth truly amazing.

We now are living through this nightmare in the US where for the first time in our lifetime many are ashamed of the indecency of our supposed ‘leader’. As I write this, I feel in total solidarity with so many of the world’s people – including my Cuba – where good, simple, decent, honest, hard-working, god-fearing folks live in a country led by incident, power-hungry, self-serving, bad man… Yet – there and here – we all do the best we can to survive, raise a family, practice our faith, and do our daily grind… But, I also write this during the Martin Luther King, Jr., weekend. And, I do feel hopeful that reason, logic, and common sense will prevail – here and there.

Why visit Cuba? Are we condoning the system by doing so? Are we being complicit with the status quo?

In my humble opinion – and I respect others – No, we are not condoning the system or supporting the status quo. Visiting Cuba is good for our soul – and good for the soul of Cubans there and here. Spending time with the people in Cuba – regardless of their affiliation, inclination, or status – is a good thing. If we don’t know each other, it is way too easy to demonize the other. Personal relations is a prerequisite to social and cultural reconciliation.

Such are the realities, dreams, nightmares, and possibilities in Cuba and of Cubans… Anyone up for a trip next New Years?



Hope for 2018: Have courage and be tender

This blog posting is a shameless paraphrasing Richard Rhor’s meditation today – I hope it’s ok w/him! You can find his work at the Center for Action and Contemplation

All too often, governments become rigid and need to be revived, reformed, and reborn.

When governments become machines more than movements, it’s a sign that they must shake off the historical and cultural calcifications so they can continue evolving as a useful servant of the people. Just as in our own lives, growth is never in a straight line; it is often three steps forward and two steps backward.

This year, when so much decency has been lost in government, it is a good time to again rebuild our people driven democratic ideals “from the bottom up.” Rather than coming from those in power at the top, the most effective and lasting change happens at the grass-roots level, led by those who are on the “edge of the inside” and are not afraid to shake and challenge the status quo; and are not afraid of those that aim to destroy the goodness of responsible government by deconstructing it for their own self gains.

I hope in 2018 we (re?)gain the strength to mend the breach between the world as it usually is (Power) and the world as it should and could be (Love). Both love and power are the necessary building blocks of an empathetic, caring government. Love utterly redefines the nature of power. If it is true that power corrupts and destroys, love respects and builds up.

Power without love is mere brutality, and love without power is only the sentimentality of private lives disconnected from the Whole. Goodness in its fullness holds power and love together, creating new hope and healing for the world.

As this year draws to a close, may we go and grow forward as breach-menders, restoring the places in which Goodness and decency have become hidden or misrepresented.

Have courage and be tender. #RESIST



I just bought a $10,000,000 house. And I will not be paying for it.

Oh shucks. I could not help ourselves. I did it!

It is Christmas time, so it is time for gifts, right?

I’ve bought us a new house. Not to brag, but it did cost us $10,000,000.

No problem though. I’ve borrowed the money in a way that it will be paid off by my children and grandchildren – and great grandchildren, and their children.

You see, we have all the confidence in the world that our children and their children will be making at least $1,000,000 a year by 2025.

And if that does not come to be or they don’t have the money to pay the mortgage? NO problem there either. They’ll just declare bankruptcy and let others pay it.

THIS, my friend, is exactly what the tax bill about to be passed by Congress does. We are borrowing $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one trillion dollars)so corporations can pay less taxes in the hopes and prayers they do something they have never, ever done: prioritize investing those tax savings in a way that creates jobs and increases wages instead of pocketing the profits.

Think about it. We are gifting the same people that took us for a ride and sank us into the worst recession we’ve ever had a decade ago – the same people we had to bail out with tax payers money – and we are expecting them to increase wages and create jobs rather than buy themselves more luxury items and spend away, increasing their luxury lifestyles.

We also are praying and hoping that the economy will improve so much so fast that paying for that trillion will be simple because we as a nation will be producing so much more and our productivity will be at least twice as much as what it is today.

And, if the economy does not improve to that totally unrealistic level?

NO problem! The government will simply cut other programs so the $1T loan can be paid off.

And what are those programs that will be cut – probably more drastic than ever since their inception? Medicaid. Medicare. Social Security.

Yep. You have it right.

This Christmas the modest and middle class are about to gift the ultra rich $1T so they can further enrich themselves. And we are paying for it by reducing our social commitment to the poor and elderly.

Welcome to the American Oligarchy. It’s here.

Call your Republican Senator TODAY. Not that it will do any good, but their conscience must be nudged. They have to know we care. They have to know we are watching. And they have to know we’ll see them at the ballot box.



This is nothing short of a partisan dictatorship

Welcome to the partisan presidency – a precursor to the partisan dictatorship.

Not all dictatorship come to power after some coup or revolution. Indeed, since the latter part of the 20th century most dictatorships have come to power through the ballot box. Some were rigged from the get go, but not all.

Venezuela comes to mind. Hugo Chavez was pretty much duly elected. Yet he used the power of the position to chip away at democratic institutions, militarize his cabinet, discredit any press that disagrees with him, reshape the judiciary, and drive a partisan wedge in the legislative… Sound familiar?

Paraphrasing MLK, in the US the arc of democracy bends toward inclusion and diversity. But, that arc is bound to sometimes be bent backwars, dipping into exclusion and tribalism.

Every President in recent history (and throughout history!) has been partisan. They come to power with a definitive national agenda that reflects his Party’s platform agenda.

However, every President – once in office – also reaches out to those that did not vote for him and at least tries to welcome them into the national agenda. Most of the time this leads to pursuing policies that at least have the semblance of “across the aisle” compromise. Sometimes that is just not possible and the party in power goes at it alone. Sometimes. But that is the exception, not the rule.

This Administration has made partisan voting the rule and by-partisan compromise the exception.

Past Presidents made at least token attempts at speaking as the leader of the Nation first; as leader of their political party second – if at all. And, when they spoke as leaders of their Party, it was clear they were doing so. This President speaks almost always as the leader of his Party – and very seldom (and disingenuously so) – as the leader of the Nation.

Therefore, he is well on his way to establish nothing short of a partisan dictatorship, constantly disparaging the other Party, mocking those that protest and resist, and humiliating anyone that opposes any of his partisan positions.

In talking points terms this is called “speaking to the base.”  In actuality this means he is solidifying the one third of the Nation that blindly supports him, placating the other third that continues to see him as a useful idiot to get their agenda passed.

The danger in this partisan presidency is that it makes “the other” the enemy, rather than affirming the American tradition of compromise, dialogue, and bi-partisanship. The consistent degrading of the opposition pins brother against brother, cousins against cousins, and makes it increasingly difficult to come together – sometimes even as family.

President Trump’s blatant partisan politics – couple with his distaste for any sort of accommodation for the opposition – is clearly a tell-tell sign of the beginning of a partisan dictatorship.

The only way to stop this is at the ballot box.

Therefore, #RESIST


This useful idiot may have just outlived his usefulness

To my Republican and Conservatives friends:

I get it. You wanted a majority in the Senate and the House; you wanted to stack the courts with conservative judges, including making a Supreme Court appointment; you wanted to pass a tax bill; and you very much wanted to somehow be able to say you saved us from Obamacare. I get it.

Well, you’ve accomplish the first two and are about to do the latter two. Congratulations. (I guess.)

You paid a high price for your success – a high price indeed.

You sold your soul. You held your nose and accepted a leader you can’t stand. A leader that insults you, degrades you, embarrasses you, and is no more Republic or Conservative than I.

Yet, you took a calculated risk. And it worked. Congratulations. (I guess.)

Now, what use to you is this useful idiot?

Surely you don’t want to play along with his next game – his Second Act – right? He is now embolden – and expects you to to:

  • Build the wall
  • Ban Muslims
  • Deport Dreamers
  • Gut the Park System
  • Defund the Departments of State, Education, and Environmental Protection
  • Walk away from sensible – if imperfect – trade deals

And that is only the Second Act. Surely you don’t want to embrace the Third Act, his embrace of Steve Bannon in deconstructing their so called ‘administrative state’. That, my friend, may very well be the most dangerous of all his games and ploys… (Might that be The Final Act?)

I am so with you that the bureaucracy is dysfunctional. Believe me, I know. And, it needs fixing. For sure.

And yet, the backbone of that bureaucracy is rooted in essential American principles; the mission of the many departments and agencies are visionary and have been built with consensus; and most importantly, the vast majority of the people working there are solid professionals with strong ethics.

We don’t need to ‘deconstruct’ the bureaucracy. We need a fresh recommitment to their core values and ensure we fix how they function to achieve their mission efficiently… No, we don’t need to throw away the baby with the bathwater…. (And, I think you agree with that.)

We need an evolution, not a revolution. And, part of that evolution is to return the Presidency to a decent role.

Grant you, it’s been entertaining for a year. But, no más please. It is verging on the catastrophic.  It is time to say adios to Trump.

It’s time for this useful idiot to go. He has outlived his usefulness to you; and he has never been of any use to us.

Now mind you, I am no lover of Pence. He too is dangerous, in a very dangerous kind of way.

But – and I never thought I’d say this – I’d rather see Pence’s (seemingly) authentic evangelical zeal come to the forefront and debate its merits in the public square than continue this circus of craziness that is Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America.








Thank you, Mr. President!

On this Thanksgiving Weekend, I want to give thanks for our President, Donald J. Trump.

For he has really brought out the best in us.

He has made us realize how much we need to be there (and here) for each other, help each other get over turbulent times, act to improve the lives of those that do not have a voice – and those whose voices are being taken away… So, I give thanks for all of those around us, near and far, who opt to act, to not stay silent, to shout out with anger with a purpose.

His attitude towards immigrants and refugees have sparked our deepest sympathy and empathy for their plight and struggles… So, I give thanks for the immigrants and refugees, for what they teach us, for what they bring into our nation.

His lashing out against Muslims has inspired us to become seekers of the universal love all faiths have in common… So, I give thanks to our Muslim community, for their amazing tenacity and fortitude in light of constant bashing.

His racist overtones and blatant disrespect of African Americans have rekindled our fight for full and equal justice… So, I give thanks to our African American community for their commitment to stay in – and intensify – the struggle.

His administrative changes to try to put the LGBTQ community back in the closet has reawakened our embedded sense of fairness…. So, I give thanks to our LGBTQ community for pushing back – and pushing back hard – to not lose the gains we’ve made to respect dignity and love.

His disruptive behavior has made us reconsider the role of the Presidency and shown us that we can not count on history or tradition to be the sole determinant for our future… So, I give thanks for history, but I do not worship it.

His demeaning of women has sparked a tidal wave of awakening and the expression of past hurt by women who have been done wrong… So, I give thanks for all the women that have bravely come forth to bust through the matrix of men’s false pretensions and illusion of domination.

His flippant way of dealing with international situations has reaffirmed how interconnected we are with the whole world.. So, I give thanks for all the wonderful peoples from around the world and their contribution to humanity.

His disregard for the truth about climate change has helped us refocus on the wonders of nature and the awesomeness of Mother Earth… So, I give thanks for every specie, beautifully interwoven to from this, our only communal home

His alarming toying with apocalyptic war has helped us reaffirm our love for the simple things in life, including rediscovering contemplation, the joy of healthy relationships and thriving communities… So, I give thanks for my family, my neighborhood, and my community.