A place for Reemberto’s random thoughts, rants, and more on wide-ranging subjects; some of importance to many, and some of niche interest to a few.

*NOTE: Given the large number of spam comments, if you’d like to engage in the conversation, please e-mail me Reemberto [at] gmail.


A quiet rage across the USA – what to make of the Republican Convention (July 16, 2024)

May you have a reflective 4th of July (2024) (July 4th, 2024)

On my 67 birthday: May goodness prevail (originally drafted March 8, 2024)

A very personal deep appreciation of Black history (February 8, 2024)

A Dreamer’s Dream for Justice and Peace (October 24, 2023)

Is the bus a viable choice for overnight travel? (September 27, 2023)

OPPENHEIMER – Desolation? Nah. Hopefulness! (September 2, 2023)

Blog Postings During Trump’s 1st Tyranny Term