Let’s not fool ourselves: The future will be different from the past. It always has been.

Let’s not fool ourselves: The future will be different from the past. It always has been.

So, let’s go make it work – for those like us, those unlike us, those that like us and those that don’t. It would be sweet if we can work together on some stuff. But, if we can’t work together, let’s at least fight decently.

Let’s not fool ourselves: Political fights ARE personal fights.

If I perceive your political views to put the lives of my undocumented immigrants and Muslim friends at risk, I take it personally.

If you perceive my political views to put the lives of unborn babies at risk, you take it personally.

We will each use the tools and techniques at our disposition – some with their newfound elected power, others joining the people protests – to do what we can to create a world where our views prevail. Sometimes compromise will be in order. Sometimes conflict will prevail until one side or the other ‘wins’. That is the political process.

Let’s not fool ourselves: Political views impact personal relations.

If we have similar political views, I tend to want to hang out with you more often, for longer time, for that extra beer or slow cigar.

If we have different political views, I tend to move on quickly after saying hello.

{If we have contrasting different views, I promise I will restrict my comments to the weather (without mentioning climate change!), sports (without mentioning the team’s names), and wish your family well (without asking about your gay cousin.)}

Let’s not fool ourselves: Politics and faith connect

My faith is rooted in the Beatitudes as actualized by the teachings of Catholic social justice action. I find inspiration in Father James Martin, S.J., and the Franciscan Richard Rohr – Google them; good stuff!  I like Pope Francis very much. I find his message of mercy and inclusion refreshing and welcoming. (I particularly like his blending of Franciscan and Jesuit spirituality.)

I cannot separate my faith from my political views. I know that complicates matter, but that is who I am. Faith is what forms my core, unapologetically so.

Yet, I find it extremely difficult to understand collective actions driven exclusively by dogmatic, absolute faith that negate the value of people who happen to believe differently. I find it challenging to understand beliefs that negate scientific knowledge. And, I find it impossible to understand killing in the name of God, or simplistically imposing on others laws based on narrow, limited application of any one particular faith system. 

So, if you are the praying type, I will pray for you. And, as Pope Francis so simplistically eloquently says: Please pray for me.




Mr. President-Elect: You lost the popular vote. You do NOT have a mandate

Dear President-elect Trump:

Your arrogance overwhelms. So is it with Tweets like this (sent yesterday) that you want to bring America together?

“If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily.”

You LOST the popular vote because the plurality* of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton to be our next president – not you. (*Neither you nor Clinton reached 50%. She had 47.9%; you 47.2%; others 5%.)

Yes, you won the Electoral College – handily at that. You are indeed – and indisputably – the next president.

But, again and again: You did NOT win the popular vote!

Indeed, only ONCE in the last SEVEN presidential elections has the Republican candidate won the popular vote. That’s ONCE since 1992. 24 years ago. Only ONCE. And, as another reminder to you and your supporters before you get too ambitious: In the 2016 election more votes were cast for Democratic Senatorial candidates than Republican candidates.

I get it. You are the incoming President. The Senate and Congress have a Republican majority. There are more Republican Governors than Democrat Governors. The Republican Party rules the political system – except in certain, concentrated geographic areas.

This is more a quirk of how our election system is set up and the internal migration pattern of our population than a result of your appeal. Clearly, the more urban areas trend Democrat; the less urban areas trend Republicans. Democrats are more clustered. Republicans are more spread out… Simple stuff, actually.

Yet, you do NOT have a mandate to govern; much less govern unilaterally without consultation with the plurality of voters – that is, those that did NOT vote for you.

Mr. President-elect you have a choice to make. You can choose to govern by the will of those that voted for you and focus exclusively on their interests. Or you can choose to reach out, engage, appeal to, and invite to the table some of those who voted against you.

Your initial actions do not bode well for indicating that you understand the second option. You have selected a fringe character (Steve Bannon) to be your Chief Strategist, and you have purged supporters of your ex-close adviser Chris Christie from your inner circle in a way that would make Stalin (and Putin!) proud.

If you continue this pattern of totally disregarding the opposition, we are in for a long, tremulous, disruptive, and chaotic times.

You see, we will not be quiet. We will scream and shout every step of the way. We will protest every policy decision you make that disrespects any American, be them of any faith, documented or not; harms the environment; is inhumane; diminishes the arts; or insults intelligence and science.

… And: We will use every legal and non-violent means of resistance to stop your dictatorial tendencies from coming to fruition …

You see Sir: You may be our President, but many of your policies do not represent us. You may have the political power. We have the people power. You do NOT have a mandate.



Lest we forget – Why we protest

Yesterday students in our community’s high schools took to the street to protest President-elect stated agenda. I could not be prouder of our youth – and the school system and parents who supported this protest.

Why did the youth do this? Don’t they get that it is over? Don’t they get that we have a new President?

Oh, our youth ‘gets it’! They ‘get it’ all too well! It seems our school systems and their parents have taught them that a person ‘says what you mean and mean what you say’; and that demonstrating decency, respect, inclusion, and empathy are qualities and values of a good citizen… Thank you students. Thank you teachers. Thank you parents.

So, lest we forget before we move on – minimally for historical purposes if you will… Let’s remember some of the quotes our President-elect said during his meteoric rise to the Presidency:

On immigration:

  • “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists,” Trump said of undocumented Mexican immigrants while announcing his candidacy last June.
  • “Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants.”
  • When Trump was asked to explain the connection between a U.S. born judge of Mexican heritage of alleged bias and his ethnicity, Trump said “I think it has to do with perhaps the fact that I’m very, very strong on the border… This judge is giving us unfair rulings now I saw why. Well I am building a wall and it is a wall between Mexico not another country.”
  • “For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the US by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country – as well as in other Latin American countries.”
  • Referring to undocumenteds, he said: “These are people that shouldn’t be in our country. They flow in like water.”
  • “We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out, they will come back, some will come back, the best, through a process… It may not be a very quick process, but I think that’s very fair and fine.”

On guns:

  • “It’s too bad that some of the young people that were killed over the weekend didn’t have guns attached to their hip, frankly, where bullets could have flown in the opposite direction.”
  • Trump says there’s another way to fight crime – by empowering “law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves.”
  • “If you had more guns, you’d have more protection because the right people would have the guns.”

On foreign affairs:

  • “Don’t tell me it doesn’t work – torture works — waterboarding is fine, but it’s not nearly tough enough, ok?”
  • “Whether you like Saddam Hussein or not, he used to kill terrorists.”
  • On whether South Korea should have nuclear weapon: “It’s not like, gee whiz, nobody has them.”
  • Regarding Japan: “It’s very simple. They are going to have to defend themselves.”
  • “Wouldn’t you rather in a certain sense have Japan have nuclear weapons?”

On climate change:

  • “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive”.

On 9/11:

  • “There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.”

On Muslims:

  • “Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States…”

On the freedom of the press:

  • Trump has pledged to weaken the First Amendment, and “open up” libel laws so that public figures can sue and win cases against the media companies.

I get that many of these statements are politicking and posturing during the campaign to get elected. I get that he has already indicated he is shifting some positions. I get that President Obama called him a pragmatist… Yet, he said what he said. I have to take him at his word.

Mr. Trump, you will indeed be my President. But you do not represent most of my views, nor have you exhibited a behavior that I consider worthy of respect – and therefore I cannot respect you, sir… Respect is earned – not demanded or commanded, even if you are the President of the United States of America.

p.s.: This short video titled “Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill?” captures much of our President-elect’s comments – in his own words.


What we are up against – Why Breitbart in the White House matters

Yesterday, President-elect Donald Trump selected Steve Bannon to be his Chief Strategist in the White House.


Mr. Bannon is the brilliant mind that invented the on-line media presence known as Breitbart. Some of this publication’s headlines include:


Yesterday’s Headline:
“Meltdown continues: Wave of fake ‘hate crimes’ sweep social media”

In the recent past:
“Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew”
“There’s no hiring bias against women in tech, they just suck at interviews”
“Gabby Giffords: The gun control movement’s human shield”
“Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy”
“The solution to online harassment is simple: Women should log off”
“Trump 100% vindicated: CBS reports swarm on rooftops celebrating 9/11”
“Data: Young Muslims in the west are a ticking time bomb, increasingly sympathising with radicals, terror”


I am NOT making this up people. I encourage you to visit their website yourself…


Mr. Trump’s outlandish comments and declarations during the campaign could conceivably be dismissed as politicking and ‘saying what it takes’ to get elected. However, Mr. Bannon’s headlines and journalistic pursuits are clear, unambiguous, definitive affirmation of his beliefs, interest, and where he wants to take America.


Mr. Bannon started Breitbart because – in part – he saw Fox News as not conservative enough. Paul Ryan is not his friend. The Republican Party is not his friend!


Mr. Bannon will be the CHIEF strategist. The individual that will define how to deal with protesters, climate change, and our international allies.


I can see the future Breitbart headlines:

“Protesters are all criminals and hoodlums”

“Climate change found to be a hoax”

“Japan wimps out; refuses to own nukes”


(Is it time we reach out to the sensible, traditional Republicans to identify where our agendas intersect and work to avoid this draconian extremist strategist from single-handily implementing his warped view of the world?!?)



To my Trump supporting friends

To my Trump supporting friends:

  • You say:get over it; you lost”. I say: This is not a game.
  • You say:it is time to heal”. I say: I am not sick.
  • You say:oh you are so angry.” I say: That’s right!


Angry that we have an indecent, inhumane President-elect.

Angry that you want to implement policies that I vehemently disagree with.

Angry that my immigrant family, LGBTQ, African American, and Muslim friends are being so insulted, disrespected, and misunderstood by the man coming into the most powerful office in the United State.

Angry that the uneducated whites have been – paraphrasing Bob Dylan – “used as political pawns for political gains.”

Angry that Science lost.

Angry that defunding critical scientific research, climate change denial, and ideology-based creationism will become the cultural norm.

Angry that anti-abortionists were duped into believing (in part by priests in my own Catholic faith) to focus all their attention on the simplistically dangerous and calice tactic of criminalizing abortion by committing to overturn Roe vs. Wade instead of committing to support prenatal care, new-born universal health insurance, adoption programs, early childhood education, and affordable child-care – proven tactics which would do more to reduce abortion than force women to revert to coat hangers.


Yep. I am proudly part of the opposition, the insurgency, the resistance.

  • I still love you, mind you.
  • I still will work with you.
  • I still will respect you.
  • AND I still will speak my mind.


You see, I come from a proud people who stood up to a dictatorial maniac and paid the ultimate price. Some had no choice but to leave our homeland. Yet today – thanks to President Obama – we are in dialogue with that very same regime. And I welcome that. I get it. But this time I ain’t going nowhere. I am here to stay. Deal with it.


Dialogue and engagement, yes. Appeasement, No!

When our agendas intersect, I will gladly work with you.

When they don’t, I will maneuver and mobilize to oppose you.

You may have the political power; we have the people power.


We will fight, resist, and protest.

We will relearn from our elders and heroes, MLK, Cesar Chavez, and the like.

We will mobilize massive resistance that you simply will not be able to ignore.

We will use our basic freedom of the press to their maximum our message.

(And when you try to squelch these freedoms, your authoritarian law and order tactics will backfire and simply make it more difficult for you to control the passion of the people.)

We will do what it takes.

We will NOT let you take us back in time to an America that was not so great.

We may occasionally celebrate joint successes; but more often than not we will go our separate ways:

  • You to your blind trust in your fearless leader. Us to our common bond with our fearless people.