Welcome back to Trump’s America. Regardless.
(Note: This is a continuation of previous post “What to make of life in the likelihood of four more years of Trump’s America?”)
Feeling melancholic. Yet hopeful. Regardless.
Not giving up. Will fight. Regardless.
Prayerfully. And respectfully. Regardless.
The results of this election are not just about winning or losing. The results of this election are about the realization that 1/2 our countrymen/women are ok with living in a nation ruled by a power base that represents a minority of the population, and has no interest in democracy, dialogue, diplomacy, decency, or discernment, nor reaching out to the other 1/2 of their countrymen/women.
If Trump wins, we will know what it feels like to live in a country subjected to the whims of the ruling minority. Some of us have known. Think about it. In places like our Cuba people live their lives subjected to the will of a ruling class that represents mostly the military and entrenched top Party leaders – probably no more than 20% of the population. In the US 1/2 our countrymen/women are ok with living in a country subjected to a ruler that is kept in power by mostly the less educated, rural whites, religious evangelicals, and a strange, convenient quilt of single issue interests (abortion, tax breaks, judiciary restructuring) supported by the hyper-conservative affluent class.
Welcome back to Trump’s America. Regardless.