Trump, stay away from Texas!

I write this hours before Trump announces what it is he will be doing when going to Texas tomorrow – right in the middle of this devastating catastrophe resulting from the Harvey hurricane floods.

Trump, stay away from Texas! Why not stay in Washington, D.C. instead? Why disrupt emergency operations? When was the last time you contributed to healing and comforting the Nation anyway? You simply don’t have the gravitas to do that, sir.

Why not stay in Washington, D.C., and announce an emergency funding for FEMA, including mental health support for the victims?…

Or better yet, why not announce three simple immediate major shifts in your policies that would truly make a difference?

[1] Announce that undocumented immigrants will be welcome to help cleaning the toilets in the Dallas
Convention Center, and later rebuilding Houston? (After all, that’s what will happen anyway!)

[2] Announce that you will not terminate TPS (Temporary Protective Status) for the hundreds of thousands of Central Americans that have been living in this Country and now you are scaring them with the bogus threat of terminating that successful program? (After all, they too will be critical to the emergency and rebuilding!)

[3] Announce that you are asking Congress to redirect the money being set aside to build your stupid wall to pay for an immediate and effective cleaning up and rebuilding the area ravaged by the floods? (After all, you do need a way out of that stupid commitment!)

Harsh words for the President? Not the moment to bring this up, you say?

Well, sorry.

This man Trump has shown no empathy whatsoever for any group of people other than White Supremacists – and Russians… So, why should we believe him now?!?

Any words of comfort or consolations read from a tele-prompter in Texas will be nothing more than blah blah blah b.s. Simply NOT credible. Any visit to a shelter to meet the real victims of this catastrophe will be unauthentic and grossly staged – worse than an Apprentice t.v. show. Any solace he can bring will be predicated on glorifying himself.

Already the Texans are coming together with amazing spirit of volunteerism and willingness to help each other. Already national relief organizations like the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities are mobilized and doing what they do best. Already local and State elected officials are aggressively addressing the situation.

They don’t need Trump coming in and shifting the attention – as he always does – to himself.

Trump, stay away from Texas! #RESIST