Señor Presidente:
Am I the only one beginning to get the sense that this train is about to derail? This speed is not sustainable. You are playing with fire. And we will get burnt.
You cannot piss off your diplomatic friends, enrage your enemies, and disorient the biggest corporations in the land and expect for there to be no consequences.
Words have consequences. Presidential Executive Actions even more so.
Bureaucrats matter. Bureaucrats care. You cannot expect your orders to be followed without enlisting your troops to believe and embrace them.
Other countries and governments are not your foot soldiers. They will fight back. Figuratively – and literally.
While your approach to ‘making the deal’ of starting with ballistic language and bullying your ‘opponent’ into submission might have worked wonders in the real-estate development world, the world of governance is vastly different.
While your insults may have gotten you elected, governing by insults and decrees is going to get you nowhere.
You have demonstrated zilch – as in zero – capacity to deescalate the volatile situations you have created. Instead you choose to hunker down, double down, and fight fight fight – even if it means perpetuating a lie or further demeaning others.
Well, Señor Presidente, as others have much eloquently than I have said: See you in court!
You may be conducting the train, but we – the people – are its fuel… And, we are not about to let you derail America.