Thank you for visiting. I’ve started this blog because, well, I had to do something. So, here are some loose, disconnected, but hopefully coherent thoughts on the State of the (dis)Union.
*NOTE: Given the large number of spam comments, if you’d like to engage in the conversation, please e-mail me Reemberto [at] gmail.
Trump found guilty of insurrection by majority of Senators [02/14/21]
Top 10 Trump Truths: Indisputable Truths About His Presidency [01/24/21]
He has to go. Now. [01/07/21]
What are we to make of Trump? [12/22/20]
Donald, you are done. [11/24/20]
Welcome back to Trump’s America. Regardless. [11/5/20]
What to make of life in the likelihood of four more years of Trump’s America? [11/4/20]
There’s still time to get good folks to vote #BidenHarris [10/25/2020]
Fighting Trump on his own terms: Insults. [10/11/2020]
The choice can not be clearer: An Authoritarian USA or an Aspirational USA? [9/22/30]
This is Trump’s America. He created this mess. [8/30/20/
Trump’s Loyal Troops [08/12/20]
Conservative and/or Liberal? A Paradigm [08/02/20]
A month on Facebook Posting: Documenting Trump’s Insanity [07/25/20]
Comprehensive list of reprehensible acts [06/27/20]
COVID-19 + Protest = A Cry for Change [06/20/20]
Let them fester and drown in their own cesspool of cultish crap [05/23/20]
The craziness continues. No end in sight. Until Nov 3rd. [05/17/20]
Anti-Trump Cubans are not “Socialists” (A guest post) [04/26/20]
Opening up the economy [04/26/20]
Trump vs COVID-19: The saga continues [04/11/20]
I blame Trump. 100%. It is his fault. I am staying home. [03/12/20]
You can not make this stuff up. Trump and the Coronavirus incompetence [03/05/20]
Visualizing 4 more years of Trump – it ain’t pretty [03/02/20]
ABCD for President 2020 [02/16/20]
Tolerating the unthinkable to gain a feeling of safety and certainty [02/16/20]
Welcome to Trumplandia [02/01/19]
Let’s end this nightmare [01/19/20]
Merry Christmas – no thanks to Trump! [12/12/19]
What to make of this madness – regardless of impeachment [11/24/19]
Trump’s latest Cuba ploy: Doing Putin’s bidding yet again [10/26/19]
The Great Compromise of the 21st Century [10/04/19]
We need to stop reacting to Trump – And start responding [8/26/19]
Whose country is it anyway? [08/14/19]
Who knew? Who knew Presidents can behave – and act – as Dictators? [07/28/19]
Republican and Democratic Party Position: Can we talk? [07/21/19]
Every day it is more difficult to control the rage. Yet we must. [07/14/19]
Democrats debate. Trump Tweets [06/28/19]
Somebody please get this man some help [06/09/19]
So different, yet so similar – and inescapably interwoven [05/30/19]
A 2020 Vision for 2020 [05/19/19]
What to make of this insanity? Going backwards on Cuba [05/08/19]
Putin wins. Again. (A critique of the new misguided Cuba policy.) [04/18/19]
Trump may or may not be a criminal. That changes little. [03/30/19]
It is never to early to think about voting [03/23/19]
Of Vietnam, Cuba, and Trump [02/25/19]
Putin, Pelosi, Trump – and Venezuela [01/27/19]
A useful idiot or a Russian spy? [01/13/19]
If all politics is local, I am certainly blessed to be in a good place [12/08/18]
When leaders disappoint: Two Battles for a Lifetime and Eternity [11/21/2018]
We must build our public square on civil dialogue – an article I wish I had written [11/19/18]
Mid-term elections, for the record [11/14/18]
You know you are a Trump supporter if… [10/24/18]
What to do in the face of civic and faith calamity [9/18/18]
Why vote? Trump. [8/30/18]
The President just called a woman a dog – and that’s ok with his supporters [8/18/18]
The cost of comfort in the time of Trump [7/30/18]
Forget collusion… This is treason! [07/10/18]
This too shall come to pass, or will it? [06/21/18]
Why I join. Why I stay. [06/10/18]
The continuing devolution of America [06/03/18]
Inspiration to get folks registered to vote: Stacey Abrams Acceptance Speech [05/23/18]
The time for arguing is over. It is time to get folks registered to vote! [05/17/18]
Make America Aspirational Again [04/28/18]
Everybody does it! So why are we beating up on Trump? [04/14/18]
Trump: The ultimate Emotional Vacuum Cleaner [03/17/18]
A love letter to President Trump [02/25/18]
The Info Silo – a new reality. Yet vote we must! [02/10/18]
When hate of past leaders obscures you capacity to critique today’s demagogue [01/27/18]
Cuba: Realities, Dreams, Nightmares, and Possibilities [01/14/18]
Hope for 2018: Have courage and be tender [12/24/17]
I just bought a $10,000,000 house. And I will not be paying for it. [12/17/17]
This is nothing short of a partisan dictatorship [12/11/17]
This useful idiot may have just outlived his usefulness [12/02/17]
Thank you, Mr. President! [11/24/17]
Real example of Trump’s bad policy directions – and the need to keep on keeping on [11/13/17]
A Year Later: Why I still #RESIST [11/06/17]
Shameful. And dare I say: Not very Christian. Zero – zilch – moral compass [10/28/17]
Making America small, divided, and mean – like it’s never been [10/26/17]
A pathetic President: Trump in Puerto Rico [10/05/17]
THIS is what Trump has unleashed (THIS is what a Trump supporter looks like) [09/03/17]
Trump, stay away from Texas! [08/28/17]
Is dictatorship around the corner? [08/13/17]
Stop. Please stop. Just quit. [07/26/17]
Why Russia Resonates: Its all about Steve Bannon [07/16/17]
Happy Birthday USA: May your childish tantrum soon be over [07/04/17]
It’s About Policy: Trump’s Top Ten Bad Policies [06/17/17]
Budget is policy: Agencies to be eliminate under Trump’s proposed budget [05/31/17]
Getting to a reasonable budget: It’s time to work around him, not with him [05/28/17]
America the Ugly? [05/20/2017]
The intersection, balancing, and tension between Individual and collective well being [05/13/17]
Desperately seeking positive vibes – yet nada in sight [05/01/17]
The Revenge of the Nerds – and the Geeks; and the Scientists! [04/23/17]
The White House Amateur Hour: It’d be funny if it wasn’t so serious [04/14/17]
Danger, Danger! [04/05/17]
An afternoon in my bubble. A good bubble. [03/25/17]
This is no joke or exaggeration. He is proposing to ELIMINATE these programs COMPLETELY [03/18/17]
He has scared us straight! His tough talk is evidently working. [03/11/17]
Opposite take on populism: Trump and Francis [03/06/17]
How to create a Capitalist Oligarchy [02/23/17]
I woke up this morning with mundane worries about the weather. Many did not have that luxury. [02/13/17]
News from the other side: What forms you? [02/05/17]
Am I the only one beginning to get the sense that this train is about to derail? [01/29/17]
Trump’s Troops: Some are our family and friends [01/24/17]
On Abortion: The Inauguration, the Women’s March, and the Pro-Life Movement [01/19]17]
On Cuban pride and Trump’s pickle [01/13/17]
The Trump Style: You may not like it. But it evidently works. [12/22/16]
Just checking. To my Trumpistas friends and family: Are you still ok with this? [12/13/16]
Call me touchie-feelie [12/02/16]
Making America small [11/28/16]
On this Thanksgiving Day, we give thanks for the amazing community we call home [11/24/16]
Brilliant. The man IS brilliant! (But, pssst: Remember the First Amendment?) [11/22/16]
Of echo chambers and silos [11/19/16]
Let’s not fool ourselves: The future will be different from the past. It always has been. [11/17/16]
Mr. President-Elect: You lost the popular vote. You do NOT have a mandate [11/16/16]
Lest we forget – Why we protest [11/15/16]